Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Examining a Diamond with an Ideal-scope Image

You're shopping for a diamond engagement ring. You've narrowed the search down to GIA approved, triple excellent diamonds (excellent polish, excellent symmetry, and excellent cut), and a carat (weight) range that is of interest to you. Where do you go from here? One way to evaluate the diamonds you've selected is to view them via an Ideal scope image. An Ideal scope image will show you just how much light the diamond is reflecting. When examining the image pay special attention to areas of red, black, and white. Dark red areas are parts of the diamond's face that reflect lots of light; that's good. You should also look at light red areas. These are areas that reflect less light than dark red areas. All things being equal, a diamond with less light red areas than another is more desirable. Black areas are parts of the diamond that reflect no light. That can also be good if the black areas are arranged in patterns that indicate the diamond has attractive contrasts. Attractive dark areas may include, for example, narrow, symmetrical star patterns. You should ascertain that the borders of the dark areas are precise and not blotchy. Precise dark area borders mean more attractive contrast on the face of the diamond. Remember, areas of contrast on the diamond's face make its brilliance stand out more than if the diamond had little or no contrast at all. White areas on the Ideal scope image are parts of the diamond that do not reflect light (light leakage). White areas are not good because they signify that the diamond has less brilliance. These are the basics, about using an Ideal scope. Many but not all diamond shops will have the ability to show you an Idealscope image of a diamond you're interested in purchasing. Be sure to ask about it, because this view will give you valuable information about the appearance and brilliance of the diamond.

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