Thursday, August 18, 2016

How to Care for your Diamond Ring

A diamond engagement ring is an irreplaceable possession, so be sure to care for it properly. Follow the suggestions listed below for best diamond ring care. 1. Get the ring insured. While you could never replace the sentimental value of the original one, getting it insured will facilitate purchasing a replacement.

Furthermore, many policies offer add on benefits such as prong and clasp repair, stone tightening, and more. 2. Remove the ring when engaging in activities that might harm it. These include playing sports, lifting weights, swimming, washing dishes, doing laundry or other household tasks, cooking certain foods (making meatballs, rolling dough, marinating meat, etc.). In general you should remove the ring whenever undertaking a task that might expose it to excessive stress or abrasive chemicals. 3. Clean and inspect the ring periodically. You can clean it yourself with a liquid soap such as Dawn detergent; however, most jewelers will clean and inspect it free of charge. 4. Never use your ring finger hand to punch something or engage in an activity that will place sudden stress on the diamond and its settings. 5. Store the ring in a clean dry place such as a fabric lined jewelry case. 6. Do not resize the ring more than once in its lifetime. During pregnancy your fingers will swell making it impossible to fit the band on your finger; however, your fingers will return to their normal size after the pregnancy. ************************************** Have It Insured This is your number one must-do item. While nothing can replace the sentimental value of your engagement ring, if you have it properly appraised and insured for its full replacement value, you'll at least be covered if it's ever lost, stolen or damaged. Some insurance companies offer more than others, so it's worth doing a little homework. For example, Jewelers Mutual's repair or replacement policy includes coverage for several preventive repairs. "That includes repair of broken prongs, clasp replacement, stone tightening and more," says Tyler Krowiorz, consumer Cleaning and inspection twice a year, most jewelers will clean for free Take it off sometimes: Working out at the gym, play sports, lift weights, or go swimming, washing dishes, cooking (making meatballs, rolling cookie dough, or marinating meat )laundry and other household tasks will put stress on your ring, from stretching the band to loosening the delicate settings to exposure to abrasive chemicals. carrying heavy luggage is a surefire way to break or bend prongs." Don’t let ring get dirty, but also don’t hold it over sink while cleaning Never use your ring hand for punching or activities that will expose the ring to sudden stress using a mixture of a few drops of Dawn dish detergent in warm—not hot—water. Let your ring soak in the solution for a few minutes, then gently scrub with a new, soft baby toothbrush. To rinse, place it in a new dish of lukewarm water and then dry it with a soft cloth, being careful not to snag the prongs. "Keep it in a clean, dry place such as a fabric-lined jewelry case, or in a box with compartments and dividers to prevent pieces from scratching each other," Krowiorz says Fingers will swell during pregnancy but resist the temptation to resize the ring. All together don't resize more than once.

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