Friday, July 22, 2016

What Makes a Quality Diamond

What Makes a Diamond Valuable ? When describing the quality of a diamond, professionals use the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) grading system. The GIA establishes the diamond's character based on four factors. Rarity of a diamond's characteristic often influences how graders rate it. Color: Colorless diamonds are hard to find; most diamonds have yellow or brown tints. So the closer a diamond gets to colorless, the more it is worth. The DIA color scale ranges from D (colorless) to Z. Because colorless diamonds are so uncommon, there is a rapid rise in price as a diamond approaches colorless. Clarity: A diamond's clarity is based on the relative absence of inclusions or blemishes (clarity characteristics). Blemishes are external scratches or nicks, whereas inclusions are flaws on the inside of the diamond, although they may break the surface. Diamonds are graded by a skilled examiner who looks at it under 10X magnification. A flawless diamond Blue Diamondhas no internal or external imperfections when examined under magnification. These diamonds are so rare that a diamond professional may never see even one in his whole career. Cut: Cut refers to the way a diamond cutter created facets on the diamonds surface. A superior cut will affect the amount of light returned to the viewer's eye (the face-up appearance). A well polished diamond will be bright (lots of white light reflected back to the observer), colorful (containing flashes of color called fire), and scintillating (exhibiting attractive contrast of light and dark areas). Size: Diamonds are carefully weighed in carats. One metric carat is two-tenths (0.2) of a gram. As the diamond's size increases so does its value relative to other diamonds of similar color, clarity, and cut. But because larger diamonds are much rarer, a larger diamond costs more per carat than a smaller one.


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